Our flagship service, Little Acorns has been a key contributor to Barbara Docker Drysdale’s Hold Me Tight Let Me Go, a training tool for industry professionals and UK Government Ministers to understand the challenges faced by traumatised Children and those who care for and educate them.
Little Acorns is also a Case Study contributor of Christine Bradley’s ‘Revealing the inner world of traumatised children and young people’ manuscript (a Jessica Kingsley publication since 2018) used in the undergraduate degree level training of Psychology students.
Little Acorns is more than just a school, we work on helping to teach pupils how to be functional members of society. We are AQA accredited and encourage pupils to undertake various modules of both educational and life skills.
We believe every child has the right to an exciting, varied curriculum to meet their individual needs. We work closely with others to ensure the best possible outcomes for each child.
We want to equip every pupil with the skills and knowledge they need to lead healthy, productive lives. Many of our children have complex needs and challenging circumstances, we look beyond this to find the potential for each child.
Little Acorns aims to foster a happy, safe, and positive environment in which openness, trust, tolerance, and respect supports the learning and developmental objectives of all its boarders. This is achieved within the ‘OUTCOMES’ identified by OFSTED and include Social development, Personal Development, Health, Happiness and Enjoyment, Transitions, Behaviour.
The objectives of Little Acorns School are:
To provide a safe and caring environment in which the mode of communication is appropriate to the needs of those who are enrolled.
To support pupils in maximising their individual and educational potential.
To encourage pupils to function and/or integrate within the wider community.
To listen to pupils and treat them fairly, equally, sensitively and, where appropriate, to treat information they give in confidence.
To enhance the physical, emotional, educational, social, and behavioural development of each pupil.
To promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural well-being - irrespective of gender, race, religion, sexuality, or disability.
To meet the recommended guidelines and safeguards of the Children Act 1989 (as amended by the Care Standards Act 2000 and The National Care Standards Commission Regulations 2002) as well as the 22 national minimum standards for special schools 2011.
We actively promote the fundamental British Values through our learning and RSE lessons, Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual respect, tolerance.
To provide a positive and supportive residential and educational experience for pupils. This will be achieved by: - providing additional information to support the assessment of educational progress, meeting individual needs, preparing pupils to be independent, and responding to varied and changing need.
Please find our curriculum available to download.
Please find our curriculum Deep Dive presentation available to view here.
Spring Term 2023
TERM 3 |
Term Starts |
Wednesday 4th January 2023 |
End of Term |
Friday 10th February 2023 |
Half Term |
Mon 13th - Fri 17th Feb 2023 |
TERM 4 |
Term Starts |
Monday 20th February 2023 |
End of Term |
Thursday 31st March 2023 |
Little Acorns School, London Beach Farm, Ashford Road, Kent, TN30 6SR