We provide innovative, creative support which enables people with learning disabilities, autism, mental illness and complex needs to live their lives fully and achieve their full potential and recovery. Our supported living services are aligned to local pathways enabling people to progress from in-patient care to independent community accommodation.
We provide a specialist service for people who want to live a more independent life, for individuals who want more choice and control and who want to have a personalised service to meet their needs.

A dedicated and professional team of colleagues who will seek to continually work with you to find solutions.

Access innovative delivery of support services that inspire people to be the best they can be.

The reassurance of a reliable, trusted and proven provider.
Who our services are for
People in our care will be supported to reach their full capacity and potential in order to have quality of life, we:
Encourage our service users to retain their independence and control over their lives and decisions, minimising the impacts of disabilities.
Facilitate access to a range of community activities, to promote social inclusion.
Ensure continuity of worker to promote trust.
Implement action plans that will enable service users to develop new skills.
All Care Plans are coproduced together with the service user and their carer, and as such we ensure that they feel comfortable to express their needs and wishes, having control over the services they receive.
When designing these plans we build on the unique strengths of individuals, and also assess the safety and risks of activities; offering a wide range of activities to the service user whilst ensuring that safety is maintained.
The persons plans, goals and ambitions are incorporated into The Life Star Action Plan, which are reviewed on a 3-monthly basis to ensure they remain meaningful, realistic and that the person is being fully supported to achieve them, thus supporting their personal choices and quality of life.
More information about Our Services
Our Services provide a safe, caring environment and offer 24-hour support to people within a home environment via supported tenancies, during the night this support can consist of "sleeping staff" on-site or waking night staff which is dependent on the needs of the tenants.
On entering a tenancy placement, each new tenant is welcomed by the 'house family'. A welcome pack is provided to help reduce some of the inevitable anxieties and allow the tenant to settle into their new home.
Each tenant has his or her own key to their flat. Tenants have their own 'tenancy support package', which is tailored to meet their individual needs.
Individual care plans will be delivered on time and in agreement with the service user, balancing risk with rights to self-determination.
Care Solutions

Finding employment

Domestic tasks (shopping, cooking, laundry, cleaning etc)

Finding employment

Domestic tasks (shopping, cooking, laundry, cleaning etc)

Finance and budgeting

Help claiming appropriate benefits

Access to leisure and social activities

Maintaining links with friends, family and the local community

Learning new skills for independence

Personal care, health and wellbeing

Managing medication

Access to education and support into work

Accessing social and leisure activities

Meeting people in the local community

Cultural or religious needs

Identifying and claiming benefits

Managing bills and money

Any other assistance that may be necessary to lead a fulfilling life
Typical Patient Profile
We are able to meet a wide variety of the assessed needs of people over 18 years old presenting with:
A learning disability
A physical disability
A mental health diagnosis
An acquired brain injury
A sensory impairment
A long-term managed condition
A complex healthcare need
Family and child support needs
Homecare support needs for older people
Information for Tenants
The property is non-smoking, but tenants can smoke in the private garden
Male and female accommodation
Self-contained flats, consisting of lounge, bedroom, bathroom and a fully fitted kitchen
Your family and friends are welcome
The service has staff available to assist you day and night
You will have your own key to the front door
You can attend regular tenant meetings to discuss any issues
You will be allocated a Key Worker who will help you to develop a support plan that meets your needs
You will be supported with all aspects of day-to-day tasks including budgeting, shopping and the preparation of meals and drinks, claiming benefits and accessing community services
You will be supported to access recreational facilities, college courses, employment (paid or unpaid) and voluntary services