Supported Living Team Leader

Job Title: Management

Job Location: Park Lodge, Wolverhampton

Pay: £24,000 – 37.5 hours a week
Job Purpose:
We are looking to recruit a Team leader across our Walsall Supported Living Services, supporting individuals to live as independently as possible. As the Team Manager you will be responsible for providing day to day leadership, management, and support to the team to ensure the highest quality of service is delivered.
Main Tasks:
Ensure that all new team members are appropriately recruited into the Company and analyse initial training and development needs
In conjunction with the management team, recruit and select new staff taking an active part in the interview process
Attend interviews for potential new packages of care and support as required with the senior management team
Implement induction/assessment programmes for all new service users, in conjunction with the wider management team
Understand and promote a person centred and needs led approach to deliver a quality service which fully complies with the Arcadia philosophy, values, policies and procedures
Understand the wider implications of the business in relation to the commissioning process, audit and inspection (CQC etc.)
Always promote a professional image of the service and the Company.
Establish and maintain positive working relationships with key stakeholders i.e. Adult Social Care & Health, CCG’s etc
Ensure effective communication is established and maintained throughout the service and with external agencies, service users and their circle of support
Ensure that own knowledge of individual service users’ care/management plans and risk assessments is kept current and up to date including any reviews/changes to these.
Observe and report on service users’ needs and difficulties and report any changes of condition and/or presentation to the registered manager.
Ensure that own knowledge of individual service users’ care/management plans and risk assessments is kept current and up to date including any reviews/changes to these.
Assist with the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of individual care/support plans.
In conjunction with other staff, initiate and be involved in activities with service users, including social, recreational, and divisional activities, and accompany service users on community visits such as physical health appointments.
Refer all enquiries regarding service users to the registered manager.
Assist in the reception and care of service users’ relatives and visitors to the hospital/home, informing the registered manager of their arrival.
Other duties:
To take an active role in oversight and management of staff rosters
To participate in providing advice and support out of office hours on a roster basis.
Manage staff supervisions and appraisals
Legal Responsibilities:
Be conversant with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and the Care Act 2014 and the Care Quality Commission’s Essential Standards of Quality and Safety, ensuring that they are strictly adhered to at all times.
Where appropriate be conversant with the Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007.
Ensure that Health and Safety procedures and regulators are adhered to.
Maintain clear, factual, concise, legible, and contemporaneous records of all aspects of service user care at all times.
Own Professional Development and Training:
Be an active, reflective participant in regular supervision and appraisal.
Through appraisal identify training needs and participate in appropriate courses to meet these needs.
Attend courses and seminars, including all mandatory training, as required by the registered manager.
Participate in the induction of new employees to the service.
Standard Responsibilities:
Be fully conversant with the Company’s Health & Safety Policy. Take all reasonable precautions for the health and safety of yourself, service users, colleagues, visitors and the overall security of the premises and their contents.
Be aware of the fire policy and procedure and attend regular fire training.
Co-operate with risk assessment and ensure that risks are identified and reported as they arise.
Be aware of and adhere to policies and procedures which are applicable to the role.
Be a flexible member of the team providing cover for other relevant staff during absences.
Undertake any other duties that may be required appropriate to the post holder’s grade, experience, and competence.
Ensure the confidentiality and security of all information that is processed by you in the course of your employment in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations (and any subsequent legislative revisions and additions).
Comply and keep up to date with the requirements of legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Computer Misuse Act 1990.
Throughout the performance of your duties conduct yourself in a manner, which demonstrates respect and aim to realise Arcadia Care's philosophy of maximum service user involvement in all aspects of your work.
All employees should be aware that because of the nature of work Arcadia Care Healthcare undertakes there are elements of risk relating to challenging behaviour, lifting, and handling and passive smoke. Appropriate training will be offered, and staff will be expected to participate. This Job Description is a guideline and is in no way restrictive or definitive. This document is subject to review in line with changes to requirements of service provision.
Pay is £24,000 – 37.5 hours a week